The Work/Life Balancing Act


It's all too easy to feel overwhelmed as a leader, torn between the demands of your business and the desire to fulfill your personal commitments. I understand the weight on your shoulders—the pressure to keep your promises both at home and at work. You promise your family you’ll take time off for a Saturday pancake breakfast but you end up barricaded in the office, wrapping up “just a few more things” before they can have the gift of your presence. Or you promise your team you’ll hire more help next month but that becomes the next month and then the next and then the next. You just can’t get ahead.

The truth is, finding work/life balance is a struggle, and it's common to feel like you're letting everyone down. Particularly during the summer, when many people are taking time away from the office, the idea of finding balance can seem stressful, even impossible.

But it’s not! Below are some practical strategies and empathetic insights to help you navigate this challenging juggling act and keep your promises.

The Weight of Promises

Leaders like you take great pride in fulfilling your promises, not only to your clients or customers but also to your loved ones. You strive to be present, attentive, and actively engaged in both your business and personal life. However, the reality is that finding equilibrium between the two can be an ongoing struggle. It's important to acknowledge the emotional toll this can take, as you constantly seek to meet the expectations placed upon you. Remember, you are not alone in feeling this way. Many others share your challenges and understand the intricate balancing act you're undertaking.

It’s also important to acknowledge and accept that work and life will never be perfectly balanced. Life is about seasons and learning to flow from one to the other. Have you ever soon someone spin many plates at once? They don’t spin all of the plates at once. They spin one, then the next, and so on until they come back to the first one and give it another boost. They watch for wobbles and give their attention and support where needed. This is also how one juggles work and life at the same time. But, if you take your eyes off of one of the plates for too long, it can fall. And that fall can also impact the other plates, knocking the whole thing over.

I don’t say this to cause you stress but instead to encourage you to give yourself grace. Forgive yourself for not being able to spin all plates 100% of the time. Accept that it’s not possible and so it’s no longer your responsibility to do so. You’re not trying to solve this as a problem, you’re learning to manage and navigate the ebbs and flows of life.

The Summer Challenge

Summer, traditionally a time of relaxation and rejuvenation, often exacerbates the work/life balance struggle. As friends and family plan vacations or take time off, the pressure to maintain your business operations can intensify. The mere idea of finding balance during this season can be stressful, and you may even feel it's an impossible feat. However, it's crucial to shift your perspective and view summer as an opportunity for recalibration and personal rejuvenation. By embracing this mindset, you can discover ways to strike a healthier equilibrium.

Strategies for Finding Balance

To navigate the delicate dance between your business and personal life, practical strategies can be invaluable.

Rethink time management

Time is a precious resource, and managing it effectively is key to achieving work/life balance. Since we already know that you’ll never tackle it all, it’s important to identify what you actually need to get done and use your limited time to accomplish what actually matters. Start by identifying your most critical tasks and prioritize them accordingly. Consider using techniques like time blocking, where you allocate specific time slots for different activities, ensuring that both your business and personal commitments receive dedicated attention. Additionally, learn to delegate tasks that others can handle, allowing you to focus on high-value activities that align with your strengths and business goals. Reevaluating your time management practices, prioritizing what matters, and offloading distractions will help you find balance.

Leverage technology and automation

In today's digital age, technology can be a powerful ally in achieving work/life balance. Explore productivity tools and software that can streamline your workflow, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance efficiency. Project management platforms, communication tools, and virtual collaboration software can facilitate seamless teamwork and help you stay connected even when you're away from the office. By harnessing the power of technology, you can free up valuable time to invest in personal pursuits and nurture your relationships.

The power of outsourcing

Recognize that you don't have to bear the weight of every responsibility alone. Small business owners often wear multiple hats, but it's important to identify tasks that can be delegated or outsourced. Consider outsourcing functions such as bookkeeping, social media management, or administrative tasks to professionals or external agencies. Share the leadership load with fractional leadership. By leveraging the expertise of others, you can offload non-core activities and gain more time to focus on strategic decision-making and activities that drive business growth. Outsourcing not only eases your workload but also allows you to tap into specialized knowledge and skills.

Establish boundaries

Boundaries are vital in achieving work/life balance. Set clear guidelines for yourself and communicate them effectively to your team, clients, and loved ones. Determine specific work hours and personal time blocks, and ensure that you adhere to them as much as possible. Avoid the temptation to constantly be "on" and accessible, as this can lead to burnout and neglect of personal commitments. Communicate your boundaries respectfully but firmly, and emphasize the importance of personal time for your overall well-being. A pro-active meeting rhythm can help you stay ahead of fire drills and minimize the boundary infringements.

Self-care and rejuvenation

Prioritizing self-care is crucial in maintaining a healthy work/life balance. Schedule regular breaks, engage in activities that recharge you, and make time for hobbies or interests outside of work. Recognize that taking care of your mental, physical, and emotional well-being is not a luxury but a necessity. When you invest in self-care, you replenish your energy reserves, enhance productivity, and approach both your business and personal life with renewed enthusiasm.

Cultivate a Supportive Network

While it's important to find internal strategies for balance, the support of others can make a significant difference. Cultivate a network of like-minded individuals who understand the challenges you face as a small business owner. Engage in open and honest conversations with your loved ones and colleagues about your aspirations and challenges. By sharing your burdens and delegating responsibilities, you can create a supportive environment that fosters personal and professional growth.

Remember, achieving work/life balance is an ongoing process that requires patience and continuous evaluation. It's not about achieving a perfect equilibrium every day but rather finding a sustainable rhythm that allows you to nurture both your business and personal life. By implementing these strategies and making deliberate choices, you can move closer to the balance you seek and create a fulfilling and harmonious existence as a leader.

Finding work/life balance is a constant juggling act, but it's essential for your well-being and long-term success. Remember, you're not alone in this struggle. Acknowledge the weight of your promises, embrace self-compassion, and seek practical solutions that leverage technology, outsourcing, and a supportive network. As summer unfolds, let it be a time of recalibration and rejuvenation. Together, we can navigate the delicate balance between fulfilling commitments at home and nurturing your thriving business.

Can we help? We’d be honored.

Samantha Dillenback