Assessments Unleash Teams


They say you steamroll them. That can’t be true, they’re just not seeing what you see.

They’re frustrated that you’ve changed the plans - again. It’s ok, though, because they’ll see that you were right when you see the results the new plans will get you.

If this sounds familiar then you’re not communicating well. These are examples of communication roadblocks that will slow down your progress and destroy your culture. These specific examples are because you aren’t recognizing the value that your different-thinking employees bring to your team. It’s also an example of you being blind to your own weaknesses, putting you in danger of being overconfident and therefore less likely to succeed. As a leader, it’s important to understand your own strengths and weaknesses and to also recognize and unleash those of your team members.

Research shows that when you lean in to the things you’re naturally gifted at, you’ll see growth at a higher pace than for someone who scores as average in that area - but the benefits go beyond even those basic results. Investing in your employee’s strengths and unleashing them to fully use them for your company results in more confident, happier, healthier, and more engaged team members. And engaged team members are more productive, longer-lasting, and better for your bottom line and mission.

So where to begin? Assessments are a fantastic starting point. While I tend to take assessment results with a big ole grain of salt, I do appreciate that they give you a lingo to better communicate with each other around natural abilities and to know when it may be beneficial to defer to someone’s expertise.

For example, you’ve got a great new idea that will be a game-changer for your company, you just know it. Your team member is someone who is a high fact-finder score in Kolbe A (like myself, I’m a 9) and so their natural tendency is going to be to ask a lot of questions. You experience the questioning as doubt and a lack of trust or enthusiasm for your new idea. They’re just doing what comes naturally to them - learning more, showing interest, and following their natural tendency for curiosity. Assessments give you a lingo to better be yourselves. In this situation, I might say “That’s interesting! I’m going to do my fact-finder thing. Tell me more about….” and then the idea person understands that it’s not personal, it’s just me playing to my natural strengths.

There are so many assessments out there for team health and strengths. Not all of them are equal or scientific, so be sure to research them well and make sure they’re legitimate. Some of my own favorites are the Kolbe A, Gallup Strengths, and Crystallizer.

Not sure where to begin? I can help! Let’s talk about how I can support your team’s communication and give you the tools to accelerate.