Mindfulness in Meetings: Turn Time Wasters into Productive Collaborations


We all know the feeling of walking out of a meeting wondering if it was truly worth our time. You wonder if you were all talking about the same things, you’re pretty sure John was playing a game on his phone, and Tanya seemed like she had something to add but she remained silent throughout.

But fear not, because with a touch of mindfulness, we can transform these mundane gatherings into meaningful collaborations that drive real results.

Start with Intention

Before scheduling a meeting, take a moment to clarify the purpose and intended outcomes. Mindful meetings begin with a clear intention, and this sets the tone for the entire discussion. Ask yourself: What do we hope to achieve? Are there specific problems to solve or ideas to brainstorm? This simple step ensures that everyone walks in with a focused mindset, ready to actively contribute. Be sure to share this intention with everyone else so everyone can come prepared.

Create a Mindful Environment

Your meeting space plays a crucial role in fostering mindfulness. Find a comfortable and quiet room where distractions are minimized. Consider adding elements like plants or calming artwork to create a soothing atmosphere. Set the expectation that all attendees should silence their phones and other devices to maintain presence and attention.

The Art of Mindful Breathing

At the beginning of the meeting, lead a short mindfulness exercise to center participants. Invite everyone to take a few deep breaths, focusing solely on the sensation of inhaling and exhaling. This practice relaxes the mind and encourages individuals to leave outside worries at the door, enhancing their ability to fully engage in the discussion.

Embrace Active Listening

Mindful meetings are all about meaningful interactions, and that starts with active listening. Encourage participants to truly listen to what others are saying, without interrupting or formulating responses in their minds. By giving each speaker their undivided attention, you create a safe space for open and honest communication.

You can cultivate this skill in your team with practice. Before someone speaks, remind the group that you’ll want them to ask the speaker questions afterwards. This will prime their listening ears because they’ll be looking for things to follow up on afterwards. Someone not asking questions? Open the door with a gentle nudge and ask for their questions or thoughts. Your team will come to expect this and will get better at actively listening.

Mindful Time Management

Time management is essential in any meeting. Introduce mindfulness to this aspect by allocating specific time blocks for each agenda item. Stick to these time frames to ensure that discussions stay on track and don't spiral into time-wasting tangents. By being mindful of time, you show respect for everyone's schedule and keep the meeting productive.

Are you at the end of your allotted meeting time but still have more to cover? Schedule a part 2 meeting to continue the conversation. This demonstrates that you mean what you say and primes your team to give their full attention during your meeting.

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful mindful practice that should be integrated into your meetings. Kick off meetings with big wins. At the end of each session, take a moment for team members to express their appreciation for their colleagues' contributions with shout outs and thank yous. Acknowledging each other's efforts fosters a positive and supportive atmosphere, motivating everyone to continue engaging wholeheartedly in future meetings.

Encourage Mindful Feedback

After the meeting, gather feedback from participants on how to improve the next one. Emphasize the importance of honest and constructive criticism, highlighting that everyone's input is valued. You can do this with a short prompt in Slack or an anonymous (and short) survey. Implement suggested changes where possible to continually enhance the meeting experience. This demonstrates that you actually care about the feedback and will pave the way to future feedback.

One mindful meeting won't transform your organization's dynamics entirely. It's essential to foster a culture of mindfulness within your company. Lead by example and incorporate mindfulness into your daily interactions with employees and colleagues. When mindful practices become part of your company's DNA, meetings naturally evolve into powerful, collaborative spaces.

Mindfulness in meetings isn't just about following a set of rules; it's a mindset that fosters a collaborative and productive environment. Turn seemingly mundane meetings into transformative opportunities for growth and innovation. Embrace mindfulness, and watch as your meetings evolve into powerful collaborations that drive your business forward. Remember, it all starts with being present in the here and now – the heart of mindful meetings. Let's embark on this journey together and make every meeting count!

Samantha Dillenback