Spark Solutions

Our Spark Solutions are a great starting point for single-issue needs. These are working sessions that deliver actionable support - at a lower investment of your time and resources than if you tried to do it yourself. Spark Solutions light a fire that your future self will thank you for.

Business Fundamentals
Quick View

Business Operations

Your Mission, Core Values, and Perfect Customer are at the cornerstone of all that you do. Make decisions based in data.

Get everyone rowing together with these Spark Sessions focused on the day to day.

Sales & Marketing

Align your marketing, sales, and customer care teams around a single customer journey. Everyone should understand how they contribute to revenue generation at each stage.

Unlock your revenue gen with these Spark Sessions.

Team & Hiring

Company culture is the result of repeating actions and incentivizing behaviors. It takes intentionality, consistency, and humility from leaders to create authentic employee engagement.

Optimize your team with these people-focused Spark Sessions.


Spark Solutions aren’t simply virtual workshops. There’s support before, during, and after. You’ll receive tools and resources that will equip you long after our time together. You’ll get actual work done and will make real progress on what matters to you.

Spark Customization

Nerd Hat Solutions will complete a short document review and then customize your selected Spark session plan.

Spark Pre-work 

We’ll both have a little prep work to do in order to get the most out of our time together. Don’t worry, we’ll make it easy.

Spark Session

We will spend 2 action-packed hours working together on your chosen spark. We’ll get real work done together that you can implement right away.

Spark Success Plan

Once the solution is built, you’ll receive a next steps plan as well as a free Q&A Zoom Session for coaching, when needed. 

Ready? Choose one of the Sparks above or reach out to discuss a custom plan.