Be the Boss - Stand Up to Your Calendar


As we gear up for spring break vibes and the lazy days of summer, it's a perfect time to talk about the superhero skill of being the boss of your own calendar. Taking control of your schedule and drafting your own Ideal Week Plan can be your trusty sidekick in the epic battle for productivity and sanity. So, why is this so darn important?

Let's face it: time is the ultimate currency. And just like any good leader, you want to invest it wisely. By drafting your Ideal Week Plan, you're essentially creating a blueprint for how you want to spend your time. It declares what (and who) is most important to you. Whether it's blocking off chunks for focused work, scheduling in those all-important coffee breaks, or carving out time for family and self-care, you're calling the shots.

Ever feel like your calendar is running your life instead of the other way around? We've all been there. It can feel like you’re letting everyone down at once and never getting ahead. Worst of all, you might also have told yourself that there’s nothing that can be done about it. Setting boundaries on your time is totally doable! You can create clear boundaries between work and play in a way that doesn’t let anyone down. So when it's time to clock out for the day or jet off for that well-deserved vacation, you can do so guilt-free, knowing that your schedule has got your back. When you’re present, you’re fully engaged, and you’ve got a plan for your time that means future you is ready to thrive as well.

So what’s an Ideal Week Plan? It’s actually really simple. We offer a free guide for you to use when thinking through your own.

To start, write down everything you usually do with your time in a typical week. Start from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep. Next, color code your week so you can visualize when you’re seeing personal time, meetings, admin work, hobbies, and daily routines. What does this tell you? Where might you need to make some changes?

Now that you’ve assessed where you’re at, now think through what you’d like to see instead. Write down time blocks for when you’re your best self for meetings vs deep work time. What time should you be going to sleep and waking up each day? Are you setting clear boundaries between work and life in the evenings? Tweak and adjust until your calendar is balanced and reflects how you work best.

Once you’ve written it down, it’s time to put it to work. Create a layer for your Google Calendar so that you can funnel invites into your plan. Tell your family when you’re committing to be with them (and tell your team as well!). Wield your no. Commit to what you know are your own capacities. With time, practice, and communication, you can shift the way you spend your time and start showing up better in your own life.

So, as we gear up for the summer months ahead, take some time to decide what’s ideal for you. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

What do you think? Ready to unleash the power of your Ideal Week? We can help. We have a free resource for you and, if it’s helpful, we have a paid and guided session to help you establish your ideal week and operationalize it in your life. Choose which fits best for you.

Free template download

Take back control of your week and stop letting everyone else make decisions about your time. Build the week you want and level up your productivity with our Ideal Week Template.

Included in this tool is a template to build your own Ideal Week, instructions on how to do it, and an example plan to give you an idea of what it looks like to own your time.

Get Personalized Support

Sometimes it’s hard to find your way out of the whirlwind by yourself. We offer an Ideal Week planning session that includes a personalized time audit, guided working session, and implementation support.

Learn how you work best, identify threats to your calendar, and get ahead of the worst offenders so they don’t derail your priorities.

Ideal Week Planning
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Samantha Dillenback