Delegation Audit

Delegation Audit


We know it can be difficult to let go and let someone else help, especially when you’ve poured your heart and soul into building your business. But here’s the secret: delegating isn’t about giving up control; it’s about gaining freedom. It’s time to reclaim your time, embrace the power of delegation, and discover the incredible possibilities that lie ahead.

Spark Sessions are low-risk and high-impact working sessions with Nerd Hat Solutions. They’re commonly used to solve an acute operational challenge in your business while also trying out the Nerd experience.

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Spark Customization

Nerd Hat Solutions will complete a short document review and then customize your selected Spark session plan.

Spark Pre-work 

We’ll both have a little prep work to do in order to get the most out of our time together. Don’t worry, we’ll make it easy.

Spark Session

We will spend 2 action-packed hours working together on your chosen spark. We’ll get real work done together that you can implement right away.

Spark Success Plan

Once the solution is built, you’ll receive a next steps plan as well as a free Q&A Zoom Session for coaching, when needed.

Best of all, you’ll walk away with actual work done and real solutions ready to be implemented.