The Mom Vibe


I'm well aware that I have a mom vibe. I get it honestly as the actual mother of two boys who are growing disturbingly quickly. I have felt out of place in the business world because I'm more nerdy mom than aggressive shark.

Motherhood is often seen as a drawback in the workplace and so it’s something career-oriented women too frequently keep quiet about. Thankfully, I've become more comfortable with that side of myself with age and experience. In fact, I now believe that my experiences in motherhood make me a better leader and business owner and now I fully embrace my mom vibe in all settings. It’s up to everyone else to catch up.

In honor of Mother's Day weekend, here are a few examples of how being a mom has made me better in all aspects of my life.

Leaders must be successful problem solvers.

Have you ever set out in your day with optimism only to have things completely thrown off track by a surprise emergency you now have to manage? It's a common occurrence in every workplace and, as a mom, I'm well equipped to adjust and overcome. Responding to emergencies doesn’t mean giving up the important for the urgent. It means managing the urgent while still serving the important.

My kids have a sudden snow day but I've got work to do? It's family work time at the kitchen table. I will oversee their remote learning while also finalizing the monthly reports for tomorrow’s all hands meeting. Don't steal my wifi.

Did the world shut down and all the schools went virtual? I have an opportunity to teach the kids about designated remote workspaces and working from anywhere. That's hot chocolate in the picture below, by the way. I'm not crazy.

Responding to the urgent doesn’t mean that the important has to wait. When you’re a leader, and a mom, you have to find a way to manage it all and solve problems with creativity and ever-increasing bandwidth. Moms rise to the occasion and get it done.

Leaders develop others - patiently.

I believe strongly in working myself out of the job. Training up others to do more and grow in their skills is a core value of Nerd Hat Solutions and also for myself. Mentoring and developing others requires patience, intentionality, and presence.

I’ve had plenty of practice at developing these skills in motherhood. Cooking is one of my passions and I have been very intentional to introduce knives and fire to my boys as soon as possible. I am acutely aware that helping a 6 year old wield a chef’s knife is a slow, scary, and not entirely effective way to do mise en place for a stir fry. But I also know that including them and patiently letting them help where they can is the stepping stone to their full independence in the kitchen.

Time, support, and practice are needed when developing a new skill. As a leader, that’s not always easy. It’s tempting to say “just let me do it” but if you say that now, you’ll be saying it forever. My eldest is almost 11 and he’s now able to make full meals on his own, safely and with excellence. And, much to my delight, he loves doing it and feels really proud to take on some of the dinner responsibilities for the household.

Leaders juggle complicated logistics.

You’ve got your team, your customers, your business, and yourself all needing your attention every single day. You’ve got to be present in the moment as well as looking ahead to prepare for what’s to come.

All of the grandparents are out of state so we have to deliver the grandchildren to them via long and brain melting road trips. A mom must prepare for all circumstances for many people. What will we do while in town? Proactive planning with relatives informs how I pack for the kids and also myself. How long is the drive? Where will we stop? Which car entertainment, customized for each personality type, will get us there without losing our flipping minds?

Motherhood has taught me that planning, understanding, and predicting the needs of others means a better outcome for everyone later. Logistics isn’t just planning and process; it’s empathy and understanding the uniqueness of the humans you lead and support.

And snacks. All the snacks.

Leaders understand the importance of fun.

We know that starting with why is the best way to build plans that succeed. Do you know your own why? If you’re not having fun and finding joy in your day to day, you’re at risk of losing sight of it.

I love introducing our boys to new things that they love. It’s rewarding to see them so happy and living their best lives. I want them to live all-out and I know we’re making memories together that are full of smiles.

But you want to know a secret? I love that I get to play, too. I regularly find joy in light up roller skates and riding rides at a theme park. If you spend time around people who have fun, you’ll find yourself having fun, too.

Your team should be the same. Having fun together builds relationships, fosters creativity, and aligns a team around your mission in a way that processes and rules don’t. Make memories together and strengthen bonds by prioritizing team fun.

Motherhood is a leadership role and proving ground where I’m given new opportunities each day to build my leadership muscles. The stakes are VERY high that I get this right so I’m committed to being the best mom I can possibly be. I have decided that my mom vibe is a good thing and that I should own it with pride. May you all be embracing your mom vibe this Mother’s Day weekend.

Samantha Dillenback