There's so much to love about leading a remote team

Leading a remote team has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my professional life. The benefits of working with a diverse group of people from a wide range of backgrounds and time zones have been immeasurable. Leading a remote team is an energizing and empathetic approach to leadership that I recommend everyone consider.

Remote work allows me to hire the best talent regardless of their location. I no longer have to settle for someone who's just nearby. I can cast a wider net and find the most talented and dedicated professionals for the job. This also means I’m building a team that's truly exceptional and well-prepared for the evolving challenges of the future of work.

Another benefit of leading a remote team is the added diversity. With team members from different parts of the world, we bring unique perspectives, experiences, and skill sets to the table. This benefits our work product and helps us approach problems in new and innovative ways. Our diverse team is better equipped to understand and serve a wider range of customers and clients.

Remote work means that we can provide more flexible and supportive work options for our team. We understand that life happens, and everyone has different responsibilities and commitments. We prioritize results over punching the clock, which means team members can work at their own pace and on their own schedule as long as we all cross the finish line together. This has resulted in a happier and more engaged team that feels valued and supported.

Leading a remote team requires strong communication and accountability skills. Without the luxury of face-to-face interactions, we must rely on clear and concise communication to ensure everyone is on the same page. This has made me a better leader because I've had to learn how to communicate more effectively, plan well, and hold myself and others accountable for meeting deadlines and achieving goals.

Finally, working from home myself has been a huge benefit of leading a remote team. I have more control over my work environment and schedule, which has allowed me to better balance my personal and professional life. I no longer have to commute to work, which has freed up more time for me to spend with my family and pursue my love for knives and fire, otherwise known as cooking.

Leading a remote team has been an incredibly positive and fulfilling experience for me. I've been able to build a diverse and exceptional team, provide supportive work environments, and become a better leader because of it all. I encourage you to consider remote work as a viable option for your team.

Not sure where to begin? We’d be happy to talk through what it looks like for you to lead a happy and productive remote team. Reach out today to start the conversation.