Move from Busy to Productive


You know that you need to tackle your org chart and team roles but you’re too busy working on that new marketing initiative. So you’re pushing it to next week. Again.

You’ll get to it - someday. But are your actions, priorities, and choices today going to get you to your goals 3 months from now? Are you sacrificing the important on the altar of the urgent?

We get it. As a business leader, your to-do list is never-ending. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and urgent matters, pushing important strategic decisions aside.

When it comes to driving meaningful progress and setting yourself up for future success, you need to align your current actions with your future goals. This is where OKRs and quarterly planning come into play. They provide the framework and discipline you need to ensure that your daily efforts contribute to your larger objectives, even amid the whirlwind of daily operations. They’re guardrails for your time and energy so that you are set up to actually win, not just be busy.

OKRs: The North Star of Your Business

OKRs act like a compass, guiding your business towards its true north. They help you define clear and inspiring objectives for your team that reflect your overarching vision and serve as your destination points, providing a sense of direction and purpose.

But objectives alone are not enough. Key Results come into play as measurable outcomes that paint a picture of success. They quantify your progress towards each objective, providing tangible milestones along the way. Key Results keep you accountable, ensuring that you're taking the necessary steps to achieve your goals.

By establishing OKRs, you create a roadmap that leads you to where you want to be. Each day, you can evaluate your actions and choices through the lens of your OKRs. This empowers you to make more informed decisions, prioritize effectively, and allocate resources where they truly matter.

The Power of Quarterly OKRs

Now, let's talk about quarterly rhythms. When it comes to executing your OKRs, a structured planning process is crucial. Quarterly planning allows you to break down your long-term goals into manageable chunks. It enables you to focus on the most critical priorities within a defined time frame, typically a three-month period.

During quarterly planning, you reflect on past performance, identify lessons learned, and evaluate the progress made towards your objectives. This review process helps you refine your strategies and adapt to changing circumstances. It also provides an opportunity to celebrate successes and acknowledge the efforts of your team.

As you set new OKRs for the upcoming quarter, you align your objectives with your evolving business priorities. You define measurable key results that will keep you on track and ensure that your daily actions contribute to your long-term success. Most importantly, you say no or “not right now” to the wrong things in order to say “heck yes” to the right things. By setting clear and narrow targets, you create a sense of urgency and purpose within your organization.

Making Your Future Self Proud

By leveraging OKRs and quarterly planning, you'll find yourself making conscious choices that propel your business forward. Each day becomes an opportunity to ask yourself, "Are my actions aligned with my objectives? Am I investing my time, energy, and resources in what truly matters?"

No more postponing the important tasks or getting lost in the sea of urgent but unessential activities. With OKRs and quarterly planning, you'll take back your time, prioritize effectively, and make progress towards your goals.

So, take a moment to imagine your future self, three months from now. Envision the satisfaction of looking back and seeing the progress you've made, the goals you've achieved, and the growth you've experienced. Embrace the power of OKRs and quarterly planning to make that vision a reality.

In the fast-paced world of business, it's easy to lose sight of the big picture. Don't let the urgent overshadow the important. Start working on what really matters most today, and set yourself up for success three months from now. Embrace OKRs and quarterly planning as your guiding light, and watch your business soar to new heights.

Ready to wrangle your team’s focus? We can help you implement OKRs and quarterly planning effectively. We can facilitate so all leaders can participate and contribute without the divided focus of the admin.

Samantha Dillenback